Charleston Affirmations – Quotes and Photos Inspired by our home

“With the love of Southern soil, a tree becomes a symbol of beauty and a foundation of strength”

“In a world surrounded by hate, sometimes love has a way of creeping up on you and lighting your darkness”

“Take a moment to be thankful for our home, the people and the love we share”

“Find inspiration in the embrace of a neighbor; find comfort in choosing peace; find faith in the sun and the stars and always remember your Southern home”

“Let hope guide you; let persistence and motivation take you to the finish line”

“Charleston, where moments take your breath away”

“Charleston taught us to trust the soul of a person; not the color of their skin”

“Live with passion; act with promise; dream without limits; succeed without compromise.  You will define your path”

“Aim high.  Dream for the clouds.  Never limit the realm of possibility”

“The human spirit is blessed with the exceptional power to meet adversity with the greatest strength on Earth; love”

“Let yourself be swept away by the cool breeze of the ocean; the radiance of the sun.  Let the sand sprinkle your toes for paradise is found”

“Where will the day take you?  Life’s greatest journeys begin with the courage to take one step”

My Charleston Home – Original Poem



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