Freedom of Expression or Antagonistic Propaganda – Newest Ordained Art on the Folly Boat

The Folly Boat has been painted with signs of the Confederacy and the Southern rising.  Surrounded by the flag in the trees and marsh are Confederate flags complimenting the artwork.

Is this a group individuals exercising their freedom of speech and expression or an antagonistic ply to stir up emotion or action?

We will let you decide.  We welcome your comments.

For those on the concerned side, the boat is being painted over right now for a 50th birthday celebration.









Does secession still live on…..






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  • Chris says:

    Whenever there is a landmark such as this boat that is accessible and people are encouraged to make statements through art with it, you are going to have some people that choose to make controversial statements. The reality is that we won’t like or agree with every expression that is portrayed, but in a society where freedom of speech is still a real thing, we have to respect the rights of an individual to say or demonstrate controversy. As long as free speech exists, someone will always be offended by it. That’s kind of the way the whole thing works.

  • Joe Bob says:

    This would be more freedom of speech, to allow emotions to get a hold of you is you as an individual, that is your thoughts not the rest of the 9 billion people’s. To use emotionally driven action is not using your brain that’s using pride, envy, jealousy, and lack of self-control. Who likes to walk down a sidewalk an pad through someone’s cigarette smoke, not i, so I just walk through quickly and carry on about MY business.

  • Melanie says:

    My first thought was that the author of this article needs to learn to spell or at least employ SpellCheck.

    Secondly, I completely agree with the comment from Chris. Freedom of speech goes both ways, it is not freedom of speech as long as I agree with what you say. There was a time when people could agree to disagree, but unfortunately, in recent times people seem to think that if you disagree with what I say ~ I will try to limit your ability to say that. Controversial opinions SHOULD be thought provoking and lead to discourse and opening your mind to an alternative viewpoint. Even if you ultimately reject that viewpoint.
    I have mixed emotions on the Confederate flag being flown in modern society. It is a part of our history and (in my opinion) as such it should not be erased or forgotten, but really has no place in our current time.

    The flag commonly known as a “confederate flag” is actually NOT the flag of the Confederal States of America. It is an adulterated version of the Battle Flag of the Northern Virginia Army. So there is much controversy over something that is misidentified.

    Just as the Holocaust is a horrible part of history ~ I feel that it MUST be remembered so that it can not happen again. Much history in the south has to do with the Civil War and I do NOT believe people should try to erase that history because they think it is “inappropriate”.

    Our history is a part of what makes us who we are and has brought us to this place in time.

  • Sean says:

    And the concern is not that someone painted some flags but that the author felt the need to express that it was already being painted over.
    As a critical thinker I read that the author disagreed with the flags being painted there. Too bad they did not have the self discipline to keep their opinion out of an article they asked the public’s opinion of.
    As for the flags well the sooner they are forgotten the soon history is repeated.

  • Braxton says:

    I so much agree with above statements , as long as there is the 1st amendment I will express my rights , like it fine, don’t like it keep on walking and turn ya head , that’s what I do ,whom am I to disagree with what you fly or say you have that right ,just as much as I !!!!

  • Rocky D says:

    It’s nice to see the SC Sovereignty flag displayed. You don’t see it much, and many people don’t even know what it is. Then again, most people who protest flags and monuments don’t know what those mean either. The less people know about history, the more likely they are to whine and complain about symbols they’ve been told are politically INcorrect.

  • Frank hoffman says:

    Charleston Daily you are showing your liberal colors. Freedom of speach for everyone not just liberals.

  • Arik says:


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