Tips for Holiday Time Fitness from O2 Senior Fitness Director

“A lot of clients go into the holidays resigned to possibly putting on a few pounds.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. With a little planning and the right attitude, anybody can stay merry and light.”
Prath Burton, Senior Fitness Director, O2 Fitness Clubs


Prath Burton, Senior Fitness Director, for O2 Fitness Clubs shares five tips for holiday fitness.

1. PREPARATION IS KEY:  Establish holiday obstacles (the pies!) and
goals, such as maintaining your current weight, before jumping into
those holiday treats.

2. EAT, PAPA, EAT! (ON A NORMAL SCHEDULE):  Santa is at his best when
he sticks to a holiday eating plan and you are too. Don’t try to make up
for future indulging by skipping meals. This only causes greater hunger
and overeating.

3. SWEAT BEFORE YOU GET STUFFED:  Here’s a quick workout to try before
a big meal: 3 Rounds of 5 burpees, 20 pushups, 30 squats, 40 crunches,
60 second plank. Now pass the (reasonable amount) of gravy.

4. GO AHEAD AND BURN THE TURKEY:  Only 10 minutes a day of activity,
like the circuit above, has been shown to help increase overall calorie
burn. Even a quick walk is worth something – and it comes with the added
bonus of getting you out of awkward conversations with your in-laws._

5. JUST RELAX:  The holidays can cause stress, whether it’s family,
travel or worrying about destroying your hard work in the gym. Relax and
enjoy the holiday by preparing, being mindful of portions and being

Great advice to take into the holiday season.

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One Comment

  • Sandy says:

    Solid tips, Prath. One of the best ways I’ve found to avoid over-eating during the holidays is to always have a small, healthy meal right before I go out with family and friends. By the time they bust out some crazy dish or cookie platter, my hunger is gone and a few nibbles is all I want.

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