Iconic Historic Images of Charleston, South Carolina

Robert Frank Iconic Image of 1950’s Charleston
The passion for Charleston history has inspired us to do another installment of historic Charleston, SC images. We have searched far and wide to show the people, architecture and lifestyle of Charleston through the years and your enthusiasm to absorb, remember and share has been overwhelming. Please enjoy these prints that take us through the years. Some memories fond, some heartbreaking, but all memorable.
Charleston, Through the Years – A Visionary Look Back

Charleston Market circa 1906

1914 Charleston Police Station Postcard

Print advertisement for sale of slaves

Drayton Hall 1869

King Street 1907 Postcard

Vendue Range 1865

1915 – Children playing in flooded streets

Fire scarred Mills House – 1865

4th of July 1937 Folly Beach

Physicians and Surgeons Hospital 1886 Charleston

Post Fort Sumter Attack

African American Family 1938

Gene Wilson Miss Charleston 1958

Charleston child 1950

Cannon Street YMCA 1955 – Watching a game

Aftermath of 1938 tornados in Charleston

Feb 18 1865 – Surrender of Charleston
Never forget our past