Palmetto Community Care needs your support this holiday season

First, I want to thank you for your past support of Palmetto Community Care. Whether you have chosen to donate through an event or in honor or memory of a loved one, please know that your support means a great deal for the important work that we do here each and every day.

Your support has helped a struggling client living with HIV find the mental health counseling he needed to process his anxiety so that he could secure employment and sustainable housing. That is really what your support provides more than anything – hope that is real and tangible and hope that helps to lift another human being out of pain and suffering. Our goal is to always help our clients find a path forward and to better manage this disease and eventually prosper and graduate beyond the need for our programs and services.

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We believe no person living with HIV/AIDS should go without medical care, everyday resources, and emotional support.
Your support helped us as we helped a client after they were released from a local detention center. During an initial meeting the client revealed being addicted to IV drugs and had been in and out of detention centers across the United States since he was 18 years old. “I am happy with the way life is going; it is what I know and what I do.” Fast forward to one week after release. Our Specialized Medical Case Manager received a call. He had found a sober living home but needed medication and assistance with food and some clothing. After meeting, PCC was able to provide him with medications, a clothing voucher, personal hygiene bag and a grocery gift card. He is still doing well, checks in with SMCM weekly and together they are working on obtain client’s social security card and birth certificate so the client can be more successful in finding employment. This is made possible because of your support.

Your support helped us as we worked with a sexual abuse survivor who discovered she was HIV positive after the assault. We were quickly able to get her medical care, counseling and stable housing away from her abuser. Your donations do so much more than just keep the lights on or paying a medical bill. Your support allows us to help with the whole spectrum of issues that can keep HIV-positive women and men from getting the life-saving medical care that they need. When someone is in pain and suffering within a sea of instability and grief, taking medication or seeing a doctor regularly are often more than a client can do.

We have a lot of success stories that we could share stories that are made possible by you. Behind every number or statistic is a name; behind every name is a story; and every story PCC is able to be a part of is directly because of supporters like you. Having HIV can often lead to feelings of isolation and despair – you wake up one day and you get this diagnosis and then your whole world changes – your dreams seem out of reach. Our staff is there to work with everyone. I hope you join me and consider contributing towards helping others with a donation to Palmetto
Community Care.
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