Cru Café is saying farewell after 23 Years in Charleston, South Carolina

In a deeply personal message on Instagram, John Zucker, Chef and Owner, Cru Café and Cru Catering stated:

The End of an Era: Cru Café Bids Farewell After 23 Years

There’s a lot you learn when you run a restaurant for 23 years. You learn that it’s not just about the food – though at Cru Café, we always took pride in serving good food. You learn that it’s about people, about community, and about weathering storms, both literal and metaphorical.

Two decades ago, I opened the doors to a small café on Pinckney Street, hoping to create something unique. Charleston, with its charm and soul, gave me a place to do that. Over the years, we’ve had the privilege of feeding locals, visitors, families, and wanderers. We’ve seen this city grow, evolve, and change – and we’ve changed with it. Cru Café became more than a restaurant; it became a home for those who worked here, and a place of comfort for those who dined here.

But restaurants are living, breathing things. They thrive when they have the people to support them. And right now, the industry is in the middle of a storm that we just can’t fight anymore. The truth is, you can’t run a restaurant without a team. And when you can’t find the staff – no matter how much heart you have – it’s time to face reality.

It’s a hard thing to close the doors of a place that’s been part of your life for 23 years. But it’s also the right thing. Cru Catering, our sister business, is flourishing – and it’s time for me to focus my energy on that, on my family, and on the future.

To the people of Charleston – you’ve embraced us from day one. You showed up through hurricanes, floods, and even pandemics. You’ve been our lifeline, and for that, I’m eternally grateful. This place may be closing, but the memories, the meals, and the stories we’ve shared will always stay with us. To our current and former staff, thank you for standing by me all these years and making Cru a part of the fabric of this city. I could never have accomplished this alone.

Saturday, September 28th will be our last service. If you’ve ever had a meal here, or if you’ve ever wanted to, we’d love to see you one last time.

With deep gratitude, 
John Zucker
Chef and Owner, Cru Café and Cru Catering

Thank you Cru Café. You have been a gift to the Charleston community for nearly a quarter of a century.

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