Sonic Nights: Why a night at Sonic may be one of the best things you can do in Charleston right now
By Mark A. Leon
It was a cinematic dream; an addictive show you couldn’t stop watching; it was Charleston meets “Dazed and Confused”. This was the scene at Sonic on Folly Road on James Island Sunday night. Over a Signature Cherry Limeade and Strawberry Lemonade and the comfort of our car, we enjoyed a remarkably entertaining night of people watching.
With limited access to parks, malls, or movie theaters, the entire high school community, and remnants from Folly Beach congregated to Sonic for drinks, food, dancing, laughing, and just an all-around sense of togetherness.
The high school boys sported their floppy hair and baseball caps, patterned shorts from Brooks Brothers while leaning on their trucks trying to impress the girls. The girls laughed but appreciated the attention and boyish charm of their admirers.
Directly in front of us, one of the high school boys lifted the hood of his oversized status symbol to check the oil while three others played a game with the tennis balls hanging off the back of their trucks.
Another group danced in the median while the cool friends just watched with their hands in their pockets.
All throughout, you can sense and see the wandering eyes knowing many are thinking “is this the best it will ever be?”.
There was a sense of nostalgia last night. As much as things change, so much stays the same. It was a carefree feeling that left us smiling from cheek to cheek.
Thank you Sonic and to the next generation for finding comfort in the simple things and appreciating all your relationships.