Charleston musician and beautiful soul Gino Castillo diagnosed with leukemia and he needs our help
Anyone familiar with the Charleston music scene knows the name Gino Castillo. With his rhythmic musings and deeply passionate Cuban sound, Gino has been a foundation in the Lowcountry music scene. Partnering with some of the most talented musicians in the area, Gino has blended his unique sound in a way that has powered our culture and lifestyle to a new level.
Now Gino faces a challenge unlike any he has faced before, leukemia. With the support of this beautiful community, we can do our part to help. Below is a link to Gino’s Go Fund Me started by his musical brother Michael Quinn:
Help Gino Fight Leukemia Go Fund Me
More about the Go Fund Me and How to contribute:
Hola, mi nombre es Mike Quinn y estoy recaudando fondos para Gino Castillo, a quien acaban de diagnosticarle leucemia mieloide aguda, una forma agresiva de cáncer de médula ósea. Gino tiene un camino difícil por delante y comenzará inmediatamente el tratamiento de quimioterapia en MUSC. Sin seguro médico, y dependiendo de cuánto tiempo Gino se someterá a la exigente terapia, los gastos podrían superar los 100.000 dólares. A lo largo de este viaje, a Gino le resultará difícil ganarse la vida como músico para poder pagar el alquiler, las facturas y comprar alimentos.
No puedo comenzar a expresar los innumerables regalos de felicidad, comunidad y amistad que Gino me ha otorgado a lo largo de los años. Sé, sin lugar a dudas, como lo he visto en tantas personas dentro de nuestra comunidad, que él ha tenido un efecto similar e inconmensurable en muchos de ustedes.
Humildemente solicito, en nombre de Gino, que donen todo lo que puedan para ayudar a Gino en su lucha contra la leucemia. Cualquier cantidad será de gran ayuda. Inicialmente, estos fondos se destinarán al pago del alquiler y las facturas. En última instancia, los fondos sobrantes se destinarán a pagar sus facturas médicas, lo que podría ser asombroso. Hemos pedido 50.000 dólares, pero en realidad la cantidad necesaria podría ser mucho mayor. Cualquier cosa ayudará.
Pero más que nada, por favor muéstrale a Gino tu amor. Por favor, envuelva a Gino con el mismo sentido de comunidad y apoyo al que él se ha dedicado tan incansablemente en nuestro nombre. ¡Te amamos hermano!
Hi, my name is Mike Quinn and I am fundraising for Gino Castillo, who was just diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, an aggressive form of bone marrow cancer. Gino has a difficult road ahead of him, and will begin chemotherapy treatment immediately at MUSC. Without health insurance, and depending on how long Gino will undergo the taxing therapy, expenses could very well exceed $100,000. Throughout this journey, it will be difficult for Gino to earn his living as a musician in order to pay rent, bills and buy groceries.
I cannot begin to express the myriad gifts of happiness, community and friendship and Gino has bestowed upon me over the years. I know, without a doubt, as I have seen it in so many within our community, that he has had a similar and immeasurable effect on many of you.
I humbly request, on behalf of Gino, that you donate whatever you can to help Gino in his struggle with Leukemia. Any amount will truly help. Initially, these funds will go towards paying rent and bills. Ultimately, any left over funds will go towards paying his medical bills, which could be staggering. We have asked for $100,000, but in reality, the number needed could be far more. Any and everything will help.
More than anything, though, please show Gino your love. Please envelope Gino in the same sense of community and support that he has so relentlessly devoted himself to on our behalf. We love you, brother!
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