Charleston, SC Ranked #9th Best Metro for the Gig Economy in New Study
A new study published by CommercialSearch ranks the country’s 20 best metros for the gig economy. The results put Charleston, South Carolina as the 9th best U.S. metro for the gig economy.
For this ranking, the study analyzed and compared data on more than 70 of the most populous metropolitan statistical areas in the U.S., scoring them across several indicators.
Here are some of the key highlights:
- Charleston ranked 9th best U.S. metro for the gig economy.
- Median annual earnings of self-employed individuals operating unincorporated businesses in Charleston increased by 25.3% in five years, which ranked the metro 4th for this indicator among the top 20 in the U.S., behind Indianapolis (28.4%), Jacksonville (32.3%), and Richmond, Va. (35.8%).
- Annual median earnings of self-employed Charleston metro residents operating unincorporated businesses stood at $32,839, which ranked 5th-highest among the top 20 metros in the U.S., and 3rd-highest within the Southern U.S. region.
- Nearly 30 of the 71 metros we compared for this ranking hail from the Southern U.S., making it the largest regional group in the mix.
- The Southern U.S. was the only region in our ranking from which all of the top 10 metros for the gig economy also scored among the best 20 in the country.
You can find more information about this topic and about the methodology used in our full report:
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