Here are 10 of the biggest changes in Charleston, South Carolina in the last ten years

By Mark A. Leon

If you have been a part of the evolution of the Charleston, South Carolina over the last decade plus, you have bore witness to some significant changes. With any growing pains, there are ups and downs, but overall, this transition in the Charleston landscape has been embraced with excitement for our future. Here are a list of 10 significant changes over the last 10 years to the Charleston area:

1. Rapid population growth, with Charleston County’s population increasing from around 350,000 to 420,000 in the last decade.

2. Significant increase in development and construction, with 24 large cranes dotting the skyline at one point.

3. Worsening traffic congestion and longer commute times due to the influx of new residents.

4. Transformation of the city’s organizational structure for the first time in nearly 50 years to improve efficiency and customer service.

5. Consolidation of Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner production to its North Charleston facility in 2020.

6. Expansion of the Mercedes-Benz Vans plant and its selection to build the next-generation eSprinter electric van.

7. Growth of the aerospace, automotive, energy, life sciences, and IT/defense industries, attracting major companies like Boeing, Mercedes, and SPAWAR.

8. Increase in the number of restaurants, bars, and entertainment options, changing the city’s dining and nightlife scene.

9. Gentrification of downtown neighborhoods, with many homes becoming investment properties or vacation rentals.

10. Loss of some locally-owned shops and institutions that contributed to Charleston’s unique character.

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  • Keith Woolley says:

    I have never witnessed a place in all my years on Earth that is so fixated and crazy about change. Things change, nothing stays the same. Half the things on this list are being experienced by just about every place.

    • Jason Yarborough says:

      How many Charlestonians does it take to change a light bulb?

      Two. One to change it and one to write a letter to the Post & Courier about how much better the old light bulb was.

  • Keith Woolley says:

    Where did my post go?

  • John Crouch says:

    Decline in civility, I never heard car horns honking.

  • Richard Glassman says:

    Lockwood and Broad fill the small road holes over and over again….And the white Elephants they keep building in the Historic district against public opinion.

  • jim holmes says:

    Did we forget Volvo?

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