Let’s halt all construction for 3 years to let Charleston breathe – Commentary
By Mark A Leon
This goes out to our city council representatives, elected officials and individuals of influencial power in Charleston County.
Time to Process Change
Most of us have to go back to 2013 to remember the gorgeous Charleston city skyline without cranes presenting its urban pollution.
The constant residential and commercial development has stretched in all directions with construction vehicles clogging the roadways, building materials damaging the natural landscape and real estate signs more rampant than the American flag.

As a long-time resident, I feel it’s time to take a step back breathe and process.
Like any type of consumption, the brain can only process so much to maintain a sense of mental balance.
Palmetto Pride
Charleston is evolving into a mecca of extraordinary opportunity for business and technology, experimental modern architecture and recreational havens.
We continue to take pride in where we were, where we are going and promises of a better tomorrow, but…..
Let’s recharge and refresh
For long time residents, we are feeling pain of this growth and given the social climate with a focus on mental health, it may be time to step back.
Whether it is 3 years or even 1 year, the mental well-being of our community is at stake.
We call to you, our elected voice, please consider looking for resolutions that will give us time to decompress and process the evolution of our city.

This Mr Leon obviously has nothing to buy or sell.
Ridiculous article with zero substance. The author simply doesn’t like the growth and wants others to act according to his feelings. Of course that is after he has moved here and secured a position and home. A request for thee, not me.
The growth is the result of a healthy economy. It means businesses need new facilities or expansion, people need homes, enabling a greater customer base for those in service, tourism, etc.. This also allows for a greater tax base to repair our horrible infrastructure. However the author would deprive these people of their businesses, homes, and everything else we enjoy about Charleston for his own selfish reasons. Fantastic.
Maybe we should stop all writing and social marketing for the next 3 years?
We have grown exponentially in the past few years economically and in population. The problem is they are still building for that same expected growth pattern. So what happens when we plateau? Business and industry will find their next golden spot and move on. We fall from grace and become the next town to dream too big but not plan for it. We essentially become a Flint, Michigan. We’ve already taken steps to get there like STR enforcement in Folly Beach and Charleston. Investors have no reason to buy here anymore. Some of us got lucky and invested in Charleston early but it’s not a viable investment anymore because Charleston didn’t plan for the future as usual. When these businesses all inevitably move away it’s going to be the people from here and the people that have made a permanent home here that are going to be left picking up the pieces.