Lies, Politics, and Democracy: FRONTLINE Interview with Mark Sanford
Mark Sanford served as U.S. Representative for South Carolina from 1995 to 2001 and from 2013 to 2019, and as governor of South Carolina from 2003 to 2011.
He is the author of “Two Roads Diverged: A Second Chance for the Republican Party, the Conservative Movement, the Nation ― and Ourselves.” The following interview was conducted by the Kirk Documentary Group’s Mike Wiser for FRONTLINE on May 24, 2022.
It has been edited for clarity and length. This interview is being published as part of FRONTLINE’s Transparency Project, an effort to open up the source material behind our documentaries. Explore the transcript of this interview, and others, on the FRONTLINE website:
Official Interview Website and Transcript
What he should have said and knows to be true is….
“The degree to which I have no allegiance to anyone or any ideal save for myself and my own sexual and financial advancement is astounding.”
He compares his 2009 “white lie” to Trump’s lies. Yes, Trump is a liar, but he didn’t destroy and humiliate his family and betray his constituents to make his penis happy and continue the narcissistic behavior today.
I came away of the firm opinion that Sanford was clearly lying on a number of occasions, about what he did, thought, said, tried to do, and tried to say, from when Trump announced he was running for President onward through his own quixotic attempt to run for President against Trump.
I saw Sanford attempting to use the interview to make himself look more upright than he really is.
I came away of the firm opinion that Sanford was clearly lying on a number of occasions, about what he did, thought, said, tried to do, and tried to say, from when Trump announced he was running for President onward through his own quixotic attempt to run for President against Trump.
I saw Sanford attempting to use the interview to make himself look more upright than he really is.