Mayor Tecklenburg outlines a 3-Step Plan from Response to Recovery
When the City of Charleston issued the stay-at-home order a few weeks ago, the primary goal was to “flatten the curve” so as to not overwhelm our hospital capacity and to greatly reduce the spread of contagion. I have been encouraged by the most recent numbers which are a testament to our citizens staying smart, staying distanced, and listening to medical experts. The plan to “flatten the curve” has and is continuing to work and we must be vigilant to keep Charleston from becoming a “hotspot”. As we continue to flatten the curve, it is time to ready our strategic reopening to avoid any resurgence or spikes of the virus. I view this challenge in three ways: • Protecting the lives and wellness of our citizens • Keeping our hospitals from being overwhelmed • Maintaining economic activity and core government services until a vaccine or treatment becomes available |
Step I, we are still in the midst of, we are not out of the woods yet as we will continue to practice steps to stop the spread of the virus. Step II, A strategic reopening relies on certain healthcare conditions being in place and then appropriate actions that we are planning for now: |

After a strategic reopening, we can then start Step III of the plan to fully restore our economy with added resilience but we must rely on the advice of our medical experts. To see the full slideshow on the three-step plan for recovery that was discussed this week at City Council, click here. I know this has been an unprecedented and tough time for our community, our state, and our nation but I also have faith in our resilience. Working together and keeping Charleston from becoming a “hotspot” will greatly increase our economic recovery. Thanks to everyone for your collaboration! Sincerely, Mayor John Tecklenburg |
Maybe you can pass this to the mayor since I hand delivered a copy to his personal secretary about what was going on in Charlestons civil court and then they?!?! pulled some fast ones during a last minute hearing (I was told on late Friday afternoon that the Court has granted a dismissal hearing) so they can try to get my case dismissed just about an hour before my jury trial on the following monday, even after a Judge had already legally agreed and ruled that I could have my jury trial concerning my lawsuit against the police and the animal services dept. So I will be adding the facts to my website soon and if you want to know who it is that actually stands up for the Veterans, the needy, depressed and the abused then you need to and see how Charleston failed the Veterans, homeless and the work release around 20 years ago. Sooo…. OOOORA by the Gamecock Furniture Designer