Meet Rachel Carpenter Horne, Owner of Gold Star Coffee on Johns Island – Where passion, coffee and community gather

by Mark A. Leon

There are thousands of stories in the Holy City about finding happiness through adversity; meaning and legacy; community from loneliness. One of those stories is about the courage and strength of Rachel Carpenter Horne, former educator, widow and single mother who has found a re-connection and purpose in her passion project, Gold Star Coffee on Johns Island.

After losing her husband Terrell, a 14-year Coast Guard veteran who lost his life during a drug interdiction off the California coast in 2012 while pregnant with their third child, Rachel moved back to South Carolina to look for direction. Through family, friends and the Lowcountry community, she manifested a fresh start. To honor her late husband and give back to those that surrounded Rachel with love in her time of need, Gold Star Coffee was born.

We had time to sit down and talk to Rachel as she discussed her story with open and thoughtful transparency. After a few minutes with Rachel, it was clear that Gold Star Coffee is more than just a coffee shop; it is a place to find a deeper sense of community.

Our Conversation with Rachel, Owner and Operator of Gold Star Coffee

  1. Gold Star was born out of tragedy and passion and as a result one of your core values was to create a sense of community for the neighborhood. Ultimately, what you created is muchbigger than you anticipated. Gold Star has become a place to console, gather and find comfort. What has it meant to you personally to know that others that have a similar shared experience, can enter your shop and find comfort in your community culture?

When someone experiences significant loss or tragedy, a new version of themselves is born. In my experience not only did I not recognize myself, but even friends and family sensed significant change in me. As a result, I went through a very lonely period trying to rebuild.Coffee shops became mini respites where I could walk in and have easy, but healing interactions. Coffee can be a love language for many. A good coffee shop is warm, welcoming,and offers a sense of comfort. For a few minutes, I could just be a normal human. No one looked at me with pity or sadness…they just simply would chat, serve me a latte, and give me a quick sense of feeling like the world was going to be ok. Now in a position to reciprocate, I hope others can find comfort in Gold Star. Since opening, other Gold Star families and thosewho know Terrell’s story have found us. Some have even found us unexpectedly and I question what led them in. For me, it is extremely rewarding to have a space where his story continues tobe told and maybe even feel a sense of how special he was. Oh, and he really loved a good cup of coffee.

  • What has it meant for you be a groundbreaking force on Johns Island being one of the first full-service coffee shops in this emerging demographic?

My belief was that Johns Island needed more gathering spaces, but I did not know just howbadly it was needed. I have been extremely overwhelmed by the number of people walking in each day looking for community connection. On a daily basis the shop sees old and new faces.Relationships are constantly forming with our regulars, and I love to see them running into

friends and neighbors during their visit. When I hear excited voices, warm exchanges, andlaughter I remind myself that the idea has become a reality. In a world where so much negativity is being thrown back and forth on social media, it is refreshing to see people off their phones in the shop.

There have been a few organized events…neighborhood groups, as well as Mayor Cogswell and the CCSD Superintendent. All have been well attended and overall pleasant experiences for everyone that showed up!

  • You have a very special staff made up on compassionate, positive individuals.What do you look for when you hire ambassadors?

Before opening doors, everyone said staffing would be a challenge. The industry lends itself to individuals needing part time work with lots of turnover. I was told early on by Josh with Foresight Coffee Roasters to find my pillars. The idea is to find a few strong and solid individuals that will hold the entire staff up even when things are hard. Incredibly, five of our team members have been with me since day one and have proven to be incredible pillars. It hasn’t always been a walk in the park, but we have certainly grown together. When hiring I look for people who have a combination of grit and grace. To me this means being able to workthrough challenges while remaining kind and calm. It is a tight bar, so thankfully we all really like each other most days!

  • As a customer for the first or hundredth time, what will I expect when I come to Gold Star?

A clean space, kind employees, and really good coffee!

  • As a mother and business owner, how do you find time to balance the daily challenges?

Honestly, it was a really challenging first year with very early mornings and late nights. Luckily, I am a morning person and can get a lot of work done (with the help of good coffee) before thekids are even out of bed. Each day running the business gets a little easier and I’m learning how to manage my time and build in breaks. I have also really improved my diaphragmatic breathing exercise for when equipment breaks, or something goes south unexpectedly!

  • If we asked your children to describe you, what would they say?

So many times I questioned my sanity (as I’m sure my family and friends did) when making the decision to quit teaching and open a small business. Not to mention, there was significant mom guilt I felt when dividing my time between family and work. However, the boys really love theshop and enjoy watching it grow along with me. I believe there is value in showing children the importance of hard work and perseverance in meaningful missions. My middle schooler alwaysnotices when a teacher leaves school and returns with a Gold Star cup. On our one-year anniversary I was in the kitchen dealing with a rush and he put his arm on my shoulder and told me he was proud of me. As a very tired single mom, that is everything.

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