My Love Letter to Charleston, South Carolina

By Mark A. Leon

My Dearest Charleston,

I write to you now, my heart overflowing with love and admiration. From the moment I first set foot on your streets, I knew that you were a special place.

Your beauty is unmatched – from the historic homes that line your cobblestone streets to the Spanish moss that hangs from your trees, you are a true masterpiece of architecture and nature.

But it is not just your physical beauty that has captured my heart. It is the spirit of your people, the warmth of your hospitality, and the rich history that pervades every corner of your city.

I am in awe of the way that you have persevered through so much – from the devastation of hurricanes to the trials of slavery and segregation. Your strength and resilience are truly inspiring.

And oh, the food! Your culinary offerings are second to none – from the fresh seafood to the biscuits and grits, every bite is a taste of heaven.

But most of all, I love the way that you make me feel. Whenever I am with you, I am filled with a sense of peace and contentment. Your charm and grace are unparalleled, and I am honored to know you.

Charleston, you are a treasure, a gift to all who know you. I promise to cherish you always and to never take for granted the many blessings that you have bestowed upon me.

Forever and always,

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  • Faith McDavid says:

    Mark put into words what so many people feel about Charleston. I had the honor of living in Mt. Pleasant and working in downtown Charleston for 9 years (2004-2013) and it was one of the best experiences of my life! I have so many fabulous memories of all the wonderful people I met, both ‘locals’ and those ‘from off’. I loved wandering through the Market and I met many interesting people there and bought many lovely Charleston items as gifts and for my home. I enjoyed the three local beaches; Sullivan’s Island was my favorite. I ate scrumptious food at almost all of the amazing restaurants and I learned to cook a few Southern dishes. I attended plays at all the theaters, went on several carriage rides, and attended many tours of the downtown area. My favorite was the day our Gullah tour culminated at Philip Simmons’s house and we got to meet the famous (yet humble) artist himself! I worked at a professional office full-time but enjoyed Charleston so much that I wanted to share its beauty and history with others, so I got a part-time position, as a concierge, at the top hotel in the city. I can close my eyes and still see the gorgeous homes, both north and south of Broad, and recall the azaleas and camellias, along with the Palmetto and Magnolia trees. The waterfront, the parks, the church steeples…such beauty all in one place! Family drew me back to the Pacific Northwest, but I visit Charleston regularly and enjoy every moment there!

  • Stan Sujka says:

    Southern Flower
    Stan K. Sujka

    Tattered and worn
    The stars and bars
    Call you back

    You are a prisoner of
    Thick low country morning mist
    The ocean tides
    You can wonder but never escape

    The wind hums a spiritual hymn
    Moss draped live oak chandeliers Sway with the church choir
    Loblolly pines, sweet gum, and saw palmetto palms
    Are the pews of the sacred Southern cathedral

    Yellow jessamine hugs
    The canopy church rafters
    Reach to the heavens
    Their small trumpets flowers
    Herald your name

    You, the southern magnolia
    Flower of nobility, purity, strength
    Billow in your white hoop skirt
    Dance with the wind and
    Thick southern summer heat

    Gullah spirits pray for your return
    “Holy City” cobblestone streets await the grace of your feet
    And on your return,
    The South will be richer
    Filled with fragrance of
    Returning southern flower


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