Poetic Charleston Love Story: Old Cigar Factory – Original Poem

By Mark A. Leon
On a clear starry night last evening, in the distance, the lights of the Old Cigar Factory shined from within
A long way from the inflection of light that reflected off two champagne glasses resting on the edge of a windowsill deep in the corner of this deserted old building
Through one opaque window pane, the sun warmed two souls igniting a moment of enlightenment
She was a girl dressed in her evening best
He was a boy that didn’t know quite what to do
They toasted and stared into the light, cautiously peeking from the corner of their eye for that secret smile
Permission from the council in the clouds to know this was right
It was a moment that lasted a few seconds, but left a canvas impression for all eternity
Like the wind, life blew away this dream
The moment remains, engraved forever in this lock box of memories
Nervous toe clenching, hidden corner, warm dry air, secret escape
It was all part of a romance written in an Eighteenth Century Victorian style
The exhilaration of this taboo love affair played out on a stage for only the eyes of angels to see
This Old Cigar Factory has ghosts
Floating aimlessly between the dirty walls for all eternity, seeking just a simple moment of perfection
Between those two smiles, glasses of champagne and the single ray of sunlight, a boy and a girl found each other
In the dust and darkness of that third floor corner room, there was beauty and romance
A secret secured by two