The Keys to Personal Happiness
As we go headstrong into the summertime, reflect on the new life we are leading each day and reflect on our futures, I thought I would provide a little insight on the keys to personal happiness.
Surround yourself with good vibes!
Today I was on Sullivan’s Island Beach with an amazing view of Fort Sumter, sailboats, and children playing in the water. That made me happy. Sunsets on the beach, really good conversations, being part of something successful, a cold glass of milk at night, my family, the view of being above the clouds and many many little things encompass my personal happiness. Find the people, places, and things that truly give you a good vibe and surround yourself with that each and every day.
Put your life in perspective
- The next time you get cut off and curse at the car
- The next time a cashier is really slow
- The next time someone smokes near you without asking
- The next time you get upset or jealous because someone you know has more money, a better car or a better job…Think before you react.
Ask yourself some simple questions that will help put your sour mood in perspective
- Do you have your health?
- Are you surrounded by family and friends that care about you?
- Do you have a career that gives you value?
- Do you enjoy the first view of morning dew each day?
- Do you enjoy long showers or baths?
These are common luxuries and gifts we are given in our lives. Embrace them.
Make Music an important part of your life
Music is such a critical part of our lives.
It affects mood, attitude, and perceptions of love, grief, happiness, and depression.
It is the lyrics and music that develops the memories that we carry with us year after year.
As you take a moment and reflect on your childhood and adult life, you find yourself focusing on the music that defined the time. It is that music that captures and stores your memories in a secure box.
Make the music your own and let it be a part of who you are.
Get to know your community
Today I drove by a community garden. For those that do not know, a community garden is a plot of land developed by communities throughout the United States and overseas to provide low-cost solutions for plants, fruits and vegetables to help combat the recession. With community members banding together to work in unity to build long term healthy gardens in urban communities, it is a testament to the dedication and caring mentality of those that participate.
Go outside and meet your neighbors. Maybe you know them but haven’t been in touch recently or maybe you hideout to maintain that shy persona. Get to know them. Make them a safety net in keeping the area safe and share in the resources and company they can provide. You will be pleasantly surprised by how many incredible individuals live just a few footsteps away.
Laugh, Cry, and Scream once a day!
I would like to paraphrase a legend not only in the world of college basketball but life
Jimmy Valvano stood in front of millions at the ESPY awards just months before having his life taken from him due to cancer. He told the audience to always laugh, think, and cry once a day. There was not a dry eye in the audience.
My spin is simple: Don’t bottle up your emotions. Do not be afraid to express how you feel. Let it out. Whether it be in public or private express the full spectrum of emotions each day. You will feel refreshed, revitalized, and brand new each day.
Think about that; the idea of a new YOU every day…Wow. I love it
I hope you walk away with one piece of advice to take away. Soon you will start seeing a difference in how you view life and more importantly, yourself.