Charleston 22 Day Challenge to Welcome in 2022
By Minta Pavliscsak
The New Year is almost upon us! To honor it, we came up with a list to help you kick off 2022 with a fresh look. Despite how this past year has been for you, a different perspective is always a good thing. Whether you take today to start or wait until spring, sometimes all we need is a little inspiration to help get us going.
1) Invite a friend to catch up over coffee at a locally owned coffee shop.
2) Take a different route during your stroll around the neighborhood.
3) Purchase tickets for a play/musical or comedy show.
4) Relax in a park. Bring a picnic, magazine, or just soak in what’s around.
5) Finally do that tourist activity you’ve been secretly wanting but have yet to do.
6) Browse a local art gallery.
7) Write down your top five favorite spots in the area. When is the last time you’ve explored these?

8) Organize your pantry, and take those dusty dry goods you’ll never use to one of the many Blessing Boxes in the area.
9) Extend a hello to a new neighbor.
10) Go out to listen to a local band.
11) Walk or bike The Bridge. Already do this? Check out a new pedestrian friendly path.
12) Search for shark teeth or unique seashells on your favorite beach.
13) Treat yourself to a meal at a restaurant you have yet to try.
14) Learn something new about Charleston by visiting a historical site.
15) Hit the water for a day of fishing. No boat? No problem! All In One runs charters year round, and with knowledgeable guides like Capt. Chris you won’t be disappointed.

16) Donate those books that have been used to collect dust to a Little Free Library.
17) Send a handwritten letter to a loved one.
18) Try out one of the recreation programs offered by Charleston County Parks.
19) Focus on yourself by taking a “Me Day.” You’ve earned it!
20) Pick up a book to read written by a local arthur.
21) Snap a photo of your favorite spot and post it to share with others.
22) Gas up the car and hit the road for a daytrip.
We hope you enjoy this 22 Day Challenge as much as we do! We would love to hear how your challenge goes! Be sure to tag us in your adventures, and don’t forget to share what you’re doing with friends. Good luck with the list, and a very Happy New Year to you and yours!
Photo Credit: Fishing Images – Chris M. Holt