Cleaning from the Heart: Meet Local business owner Kaydean, Founder of Charleston-based 7Doves Cleaning, LLC
Starting a business takes courage, determination, inspiration, and purpose. For Kaydean, her business was a calling, mixed in with a passion and wrapped in a bit of spiritual awakening. Learn more about this amazingly talented small business owner of 7Doves Cleaning, LLC and find inspiration in your own life.
Meet Kaydean German and her inspirational story behind founding and operating 7Doves Cleaning, LLC
My journey to starting my own cleaning business began around the time I had my very first spiritual awakening. I’m not going to get deep into that whole experience, but it definitely set the tone for the way my current life is unfolding as well as what my future holds. I was one of those people who didn’t truly know their abilities in this world.
Once upon a time, I was unaware of the fact that speaking positive words into our dreams plays a huge role in the process and outcome of what we wish to create. I will admit that I didn’t believe in myself when I came to a lot of things, so of course, becoming a business owner never even crossed my mind – then that all changed.
“I began to see myself as the creator of my own life as well as someone who could make other people’s lives easier with the cleaning experience I have to offer. I look at my love for cleanliness as a gift (rather than pure OCD) and a skill I can use to be a helping hand to those in need. By putting my heart into my business as well as embracing that this is my positive way of serving my community, I’ve grown to accept that this is definitely one of my purposes in this world.”

Coming to this realization and actually experiencing the fruits of my labor has been such a fulfilling feeling! Over the years I was ashamed of my occupation. I noticed how a lot of individuals in my generation looked down on janitors, housekeepers, etc. But I’m thankful that I never fully let the opinions of others affect the decisions I made in my life. Though I’ve succeeded in numerous jobs in different fields, I’d always find myself coming back to cleaning positions.
To be completely honest, at first, it was because cleaning jobs were so easy to find! Then it became something I didn’t want to stop doing. Even when I had other types of occupations, I’d always keep a side hustle cleaning, so it was always apart of me somehow.
The reason I hold my business so close to my heart is because this was the first experience where I stepped out on faith, completely blind to the direction it could all take. Though I’d have negative thoughts at the beginning about the “what ifs”, I still trusted that all things would fall into place… and they did just that! I never would’ve imagined that by me simply surrendering all control of what the outcome of my business could be, that all of my dreams so far would come true.
I wish to be someone who inspires others to have confidence in their visions as well as a positive attitude when it comes to going after the things we desire. It’s been proven many times throughout my journey of building my business that nothing prospers unless we believe in ourselves first.
My aim is to leave every individual I encounter with a refreshing type of comfort in this environment; like a breath of fresh air. For me, knowing that things are clean provides peace of mind and I know there are many other people who would agree.
I am blessed to have met and built beautiful relationships with those I’ve provided services for and I’m absolutely looking forward to meeting and helping more people in my community!
“Kaydean’s housekeeping skills are systematic, thorough and outstanding. She’s personable, competent, willing to please.” – Rochelle, Summerville SC
“I would highly recommend Kaydean German’s services- to anyone who is in need of a cleaning service. She is very focused on each task put before her and doesn’t seem to mind cleaning anything that is asked of her. She is very pleasant and personable. I decided to print up a list by room of everything I wanted to be cleaned in my house. Not only did she not mind me giving it to her, but she said she loves lists too and feels a list helps keep her on task. My husband and I hope to have Kaydean in our employ for a very long time!” – Audrey, Mount Pleasant SC
“Kaydean is a good worker and has cleaned my house thoroughly since I hired her several months ago. She is pleasant in my home and always has a smile on her face.” – Mary, Charleston SC
Contact information:
7Doves Cleaning, LLC – Kaydean German
- Phone: (843) 793-8518
- Email: