JJR Development completes 6 affordable living houses on the East Side (Charleston, SC)

Release from JJR (LinkedIn)

Charleston, SC- Peninsula- Historic Downtown (America St. and Father Grants Ct.- Eastside) JJR Development is proud to announce our completion of 6 affordable, fee simple houses for the City’s Homeownership Initiative Program by the Department of Housing and Community Development.

Two families already closed and moved in, with the remaining ones in rapid succession. Affordable housing; a prime initiative of the Administration of Charleston’s Mayor John Tecklenburg, these workforce houses, with downpayment subsidy from the City are indistinguishable from their “market based” counterparts. JJR is honored and proud to have developed these for the City on a site that languished for 15 years prior; now done in 8 months, with new owners taking possession.

While just a micro-solution, it is a prime example of the Public Sector joining up with an efficient Private Sector development team that can leverage economies of scale and expertise to produce impactful and expedient results. This was a real team effort by a core nucleus of participants.

Special thanks to JJR’s long time COO Sherry Brown, Patrick Head, our Director of Development, Lindsay Flynn, CPA our CFO, in addition to internal JJR attorney Rebecca Fisher, Esq. Extra shout outs to Trey Linton, Civil Engineer, julia martin project architect and Erin Lanier from Julia’s office, Carrie Newbern GC, Matthew Mullins from Builders FirstSourceSteve Humphreys at ServisFirst BankAndy Gowder, CRE, Project Attorney, and Charleston Public Works – all of whom showed extraordinary commitment to this wonderful project. 

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One Comment

  • Larry says:

    What is the cost of the housing? Also, there was one housing community that when you sold the house actually the money went to the town of Charleston is that true with these houses?

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